Complaints Policy

We are committed to providing an excellent level of service and care to all of our users. We are aware that on occasions, things may not go according to plan and you may feel that we have not lived up to the standards you expect from us. If this does occur, we encourage all of our members to send us feedback on their experiences when using the platform. You can easily send us your feedback by contacting us by email, telephone or post. All these contact details and your Rights can be found below or on our Contact Us Page

  • We respect your feedback and right to lodge a complaint. We will aim to respond to all complaints within three working days.
  • We aim to respond to all complaints in a prompt, consistent and fair manner.
  • Your complaint will be investigated by an appropriately trained member of staff who is not directly involved in your complaint. This member of staff will have the authority to settle your complaint or quickly identify and escalate the complaint to an appropriate representative.
  • If for whatever reason we are unable to settle your complaint within 4 weeks of receipt, we will ensure that you are notified as to why it has been delayed and inform you of a target resolution date.
  • If after 8 weeks of receipt of the complaint we have not resolved your complaint, we will contact you in writing to explain why your complaint has not yet been resolved and advise you as to when we expect to resolve it or make further contact.
  • In our final response to you we will inform you as to our findings and where appropriate detail what action has been taken to prevent a similar occurrence. We will fully address the subject of your complaint and where your complaint is upheld, we will offer a resolution that is consistent with treating all our customers fairly.
  • You may contact us at any time whilst we are dealing with your complaint and we will endeavour to always have a member of staff available to help you.
  • If you are dissatisfied with our final response, you may either ask us to reconsider our findings and solution, or refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.
  • Whether we have replied or not, eight weeks after us being in receipt of your complaint, you have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.
  • Should you decide to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsmen you must do so within 6 months of the date we issue our final response to you. After this time has lapsed, the Ombudsmen may refuse to consider the matter.


Tel: 0333 123 1330

All postal correspondence should be sent to:

Capital House, 6 Webster Court, Westbrook, Warrington, WA5 8WD.

Regulated complaint

Sourced product "Passive Investments" "Sourced Capital" is FCA regulated, the above process appies however In accordance with the FCA rules, we will compile a report for each complaint received and retain these for a minimum period of three years.


Tel: 0333 123 1330

All postal correspondence should be sent to:

Sourced Capital, Capital House, 6 Webster Court, Warrington, England, WA5 8WD

Our procedure is compliant with FCA rules and if you wish to obtain further information you can contact the FCA as follows:

FCA Consumer Helpline: 0800 111 6768 (Freephone)

From abroad: +44 20 7066 1000



Address Financial Ombudsman Service

South Quay Plaza,

183 Marsh Wall,

London E14 9SR

Helpline: 0300 123 9 123


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