Whether you’re self-managing or working with a skilled property agent, it is important to track your portfolio including work orders, cash flow, expenses and much more.
Just like a doctor constantly monitoring multiple vital signs of a patient, the same is true for your property investing: it’s essential to keep your eye on your assets, so you’ll never lose track.
If you decide to self-manage your property, it’s important to utilise a platform to keep and track all your records. If you choose to let through Sourced agents, they provide all landlords with access to this information in one simple location.
Keeping an eye on your assets is important. Through our platform, we can help you do this to keep track and make you aware of any market changes.
Look after the numbers and the numbers will look after you. You will have insight at each step of the journey.
Tracking property can be a challenge, we have a smart and simple system that enables you to do this throughout your journey.
Tracking your income, expenses, profit, and loss is all part of our company creation service, meaning everything is in one location.
Explore our full suite of property investment products and services.
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